We provide quality SERVICES in the sphere of BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES


Take a step forward and build your own Travel Website in three steps: Discover, Develop and Deploy. Customize your portal with our powerful XML platform.

The next generation API Platform powered by Wizie is a fast, reliable, and scalable solution that lets you provision your Travel Website in minutes.



With Wizie, you get free access to our help document to learn how you can develop your Booking Engine in minutes. Wizie API provides the core features of changing travel domain features up to date in an easy to use format with adequate help and support.

We recommend you to visit our documentation page and find the right API for your requirement. Our API line up grows by day so it is strongly recommended to learn our documentation here 


Click on Sign in button and Registered to get your credential. 

Before using the available APIs to create and manage your travel website, you need to authenticate. Please contact us to create your account and get your credentials. In this phase, you will be provided with access to Sand Box. 

Build Your First API Call:

With our Sandbox access, it is easy to build your first API call.


So you are ready to Deploy! That’s a big leap.

Once you are ready to deploy, Click here to submit your deployment Request. Our API testing experts will do an evolution process. You may be asked for additional information or requested to make changes to your API calls depending on the outcome of their view. 

What does Wizie Review?

The API call Review process includes a review of:

  • Application functionality, performance, and stability
  • API calls management practices
  • Integration and connection flows
  • Connection flow to Concur, including the Session management

Once you are approved, you will go LIVE.

Contact our Business Development Team to know more